Blockbuster sadness

So my local Blockbuster is closing 😦 boooooo and although I don’t go in a great deal it is a sad state of affairs. I had a good chat with the guys in there who are obviously very gutted about the whole thing, especially as the store hasn’t actually been given a closing date! They have just been told it will be closing with no timescale to work to, obviously these poor chaps can no longer be bothered and are thus riding scooter around the store. Blockbuster staff I salute you!

I will defiantly miss the days of just being able to pop into a shop and buy a game, dvd a CD.

On the upside there are short-lived bargains to be had, not one to miss out on a small opportunity I popped in for a looksy.



I bought all this for just slightly over £40 and that included a coke and a chocolate bar, the new Blu-Ray have 20% off and everything else has 30% off.

The guys also whispered in my ear that coming up to closing week, the discounts will be 70% off! needless to say I am eyeing up a PS Vita.

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