Tag Archives: work

Missing my pink hair and my freedom!

So lately I have been looking back at my pink hair photos and being absolutely gutted I can’t go back there again.


Now to be honest the hair did look bloody awesome but I am not even sure if that’s really what im missing??

I think it’s the freedom to bloody do whatever I like to myself to my hair, I just don’t like being told what I can and can’t do.

Ok soo the background story is girl dyes hair pink, girl gets sent home from work on a FRIDAY and told to either take the day off or return with a wig on. It’s lucky that I bloody love wigs to!! I tried to wear a wig on daily and just rock the pink hair at the weekends, but it got boring it got itchy and I had to be sensible.

A trip to the hair dressers and two bleach scrubs later which ultimately wrecked my hair and turned it highlighter pink! I had to resign to boring boring brown 😦

In short down with the bloody man, down with bloody corporate image and will somebody give me a bloody cool job where I can do whatever the fuck I like to myself 😀

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Filed under Fashion, Random