Category Archives: Film & TV

Bootsale finds 29/07/2012

Oh my frequent bootsale hunts I don’t tend to come across to many bargains anymore, however I found a few special pieces last weekend.


70p Optimus Prime, but some batteries in it and it works perfectly! I feel like I should have gave the kid at least a whole pound for it.


Spiderman Atari 2600 game, in great condition he wanted £3 I got him down to £2


CD’s to top up my iPod 50p each!

I also bought The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for 50p, so all in all some great finds and not alot of money spent!

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Disney VHS

So here it is I know nobody wants VHS anymore and most people have just got rid, but my collection of Disney VHS has slowly grown.

A lot of them I have had since a kid, but in my older years I talked myself into believing the older yellow label boxes are the way to go and I should try to seek out all of these. Most of my internal thoughts like this have totally no reason or being but for some reason feel so right.

Here are all the VHS a few are faded but most are in pretty good condition, especially the ones I have owned since youth as I have a slight OCD about keeping items in tip-top condition.

My Yellow labels

I also have three copies of Song Of The South

I tend to buy these whenever I see them, for one it is a very good film. But because the film is deemed to be racist and politically incorrect this film will never see DVD let alone Blu Ray, it is a shame but it is very much a film of its time. Many children / future generations will never see or hear of this film, hopefully they won’t get rid of Splash Mountain in Disney World anytime soon 😦 I feel it’s still important to have these connections to the past and not something that should be hidden away.

Here is an interesting Wikipedia Link which explains it all far better than I can

And here is the rest of my VHS’s

If I was to try to collect everything it would just be far too much but I can’t get rid of what I already have! I will however still be buying the yellow label vids when I get a chance.

Next time ill upload my DVD’s + Blu- Rays 😀

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Filed under Disney, Film & TV, Katie K's Cave Finds

So I went to Florida……………and I geeked out!

It all started before holiday I spotted that Captain EO was back in Epcot after over 15 years, a show starring Michael Jackson I just had to! Even though Epcot is not recommended for the under 50’s I had to make another trip back just to see this.

Well I made it and ok it is a bit dated, i am not sure they updated any of it. I think this may make it slightly cooler and more 80’s, saying that the whole of Epcot could do with a wee update I can’t be the only person who actually doesn’t understand this ‘theme park’ hummmmmm its just boring, I know the oldies love it but it really is a bore zone with minimal fun in between.

Ok here is the poster –

I also managed to find the vid on YouTube Pt 1 and pt2 If you are a Jackson fan or an 80’s fan please do watch I found it brilliant, unfortunately my boyfriend thought it was a crock but watch and make up your own mind.

Off the back of my Captain EO experience I had to own a bit of history, first I tried out which bit of history I would like

I think you will agree this guy ‘Fuzzball’ was the right way to go, I choose this fella over a very cool ewok teddy.


For more information on Captain EO here is the Wiki link .


My next moment of ermmm lets call it strangeness found me while walking through downtown Disney, outside the Vinylmation store (Which previously I never took much notice of) I spotted a sign for the upcoming weekend, a signing of the new Alice In Wonderland Vinylmation characters. Ok so I didn’t get the whole vinylmation crazy but I do love Alice, I like collectables and signed stuff so I went.

I started by buying two and queuing up, then I bought another two and got back in the que. While standing in the line I realised these small plastic figures are a real serious business for most of the guys coming out buying 1 – 2- 3 large boxes!!! Everyone looking for the illusive chaser, at $12.95 I am sure most of these guys are a bit mental but hey we all have our vices.

Here is my little lot

I am sure you will notice only four are signed, I bought the white rabbit at a later date hoping for a cheshire cat –  although blind buying I was lucky just to get a different one.

I also got a photo with the man himself, did feel a bit stupid having nothing to ask him or talk about other than me being from the UK.

Wiki link for further info



In total I was away for three weeks so I did a hell of a lot, including hogwarts, eating great food, driving a speedboat, I wont bore you with it but here are my highlights


And if you have made it this far, my beautiful rental car


And that’s all folks thanks for your time,

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Filed under Disney, Film & TV, Holiday, Random

Tron Box Sets Limited Edition Disney

My first Katie’s Cave find my Tron Box sets –

For those who don’t know I am a huge, huge Disney fan, I pre order all movies so upon hearing this limited edition Tron box set was coming out made me frankly uber excited!

Ok ok it was £70 (which is a tad steep) but there is only 1000 of them so it must be worth it????? well play have heaps left and the ones people are selling are pretty cheap currently so maybe it wasn’t the buy of the century.

The good news is there was a fuck up and I ended up with two hurah!

That is the first random find from Katies’s Cave (my bedroom)

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Filed under Disney, Film & TV, Katie K's Cave Finds