Tag Archives: 90s

My massively epic playstation sign

This one may be a little odd and in fairness I did buy to sell, well I can't sell because its bloody awesome and would look epic in my non existent games room (one day).

Bit of a random story behind this – it all happened after I spotted some playstation one games on a locals selling page for fairly cheap, I discovered they were also selling some random bits of gaming memorabilia including this sign.

It was up for £50 but thought it was worth a viewing. I only bloody turned up at a closed games store for a looksy, the father and daughter had cleared most of it out but they let me rummage through bits ekkkkk so much stuff!!!!!!

The store had been open for eighteen years but unfortunately recession and dwindling sales had sadly took a toll on this poor shop 😦 rumour has it the owner has a few lock ups with brand new sealed mega drive and master system games ekkkkkkk!!!!!! Have registered interest for these babies.


Anyway I bought the sign for £30 along with some other wee bits including a rather cool GameCube backpack


I had to fit my room around the bloody thing! I think it looks great but you can make up your own mind.


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Filed under Charity Shops / Bootsales, Gaming, Katie K's Cave Finds, Retro

Bootsale Finds MEGATASTIC 26/08/2012

Had a bit of a bulk buying session at my latest bootsale and after cleaning all the dirt and dust of the items my dirty hands can now show them off.

This little lot cost me £17 we started at £20 and I went for £15 eventually we met somewhere in the middle.

Mega Drive – Master System Converter

Totally dusty and dirty but bagged, no box innards though 😦

Mega Drive – Arcade power stick

Again very filthy and with no innards but found some full games in the box also complete with instructions / posters 🙂



Mega Drive Console

Ok so this has innards no instructions or bags but in overall good condition and box is great for age.


Three great items for a small price of £17 🙂

I also bought this off a different stall for 50p



Happy Bootsale hunting guys!



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Filed under Gaming, Katie K's Cave Finds, Random, Retro

Bootsale finds 29/07/2012

Oh my frequent bootsale hunts I don’t tend to come across to many bargains anymore, however I found a few special pieces last weekend.


70p Optimus Prime, but some batteries in it and it works perfectly! I feel like I should have gave the kid at least a whole pound for it.


Spiderman Atari 2600 game, in great condition he wanted £3 I got him down to £2


CD’s to top up my iPod 50p each!

I also bought The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for 50p, so all in all some great finds and not alot of money spent!

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Filed under Film & TV, Gaming, Katie K's Cave Finds, Random, Retro, Uncategorized

Disney VHS

So here it is I know nobody wants VHS anymore and most people have just got rid, but my collection of Disney VHS has slowly grown.

A lot of them I have had since a kid, but in my older years I talked myself into believing the older yellow label boxes are the way to go and I should try to seek out all of these. Most of my internal thoughts like this have totally no reason or being but for some reason feel so right.

Here are all the VHS a few are faded but most are in pretty good condition, especially the ones I have owned since youth as I have a slight OCD about keeping items in tip-top condition.

My Yellow labels

I also have three copies of Song Of The South

I tend to buy these whenever I see them, for one it is a very good film. But because the film is deemed to be racist and politically incorrect this film will never see DVD let alone Blu Ray, it is a shame but it is very much a film of its time. Many children / future generations will never see or hear of this film, hopefully they won’t get rid of Splash Mountain in Disney World anytime soon 😦 I feel it’s still important to have these connections to the past and not something that should be hidden away.

Here is an interesting Wikipedia Link which explains it all far better than I can http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_the_South

And here is the rest of my VHS’s

If I was to try to collect everything it would just be far too much but I can’t get rid of what I already have! I will however still be buying the yellow label vids when I get a chance.

Next time ill upload my DVD’s + Blu- Rays 😀

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Filed under Disney, Film & TV, Katie K's Cave Finds

Nintendo Super Mario All Stars SNES & US Modded SNES

Now I never owned anything Nintendo really as a kid, I was Sega true and true so this particular console came to me late in life. (about two years ago)

As a collector of all things retro there was a few things I really wanted this purchase to be

  • To be boxed
  • To be complete
  • To be limited edition if possible
  • To be a bargain

So the search went on via ebay and discovered I wanted one of the following

  • Mario All Starts Edition
  • Starwing Edition
  • Street Fighter Edition

I don’t like over paying so I watch many items come and go before making an actual bid, before buying my console I probably placed bids on about 10 others but wasn’t willing to pay to much.

Then I spotted this one which ticked all the boxes

Pretty mint boxed and with bags!! and the price is fairly low!! Also I had not seen the green fronted Mario All Stars Snes before, all the ones I had seen previously were in this box .

Does anyone have any idea where my box comes from, I haven’t seen another one on ebay?????

I think it cost me about £50 in total including P&P but I would  say it was well worth it, as with most of my old consoles I don’t play them too often but I do have the odd retro day when I fancy a go.

I also bought some games I always fancied, again all were pretty cheap and bought as bargains. No matter how bad I want something I just can’t warrant over paying.

Obviously I will get more games in time when and if they appear.

Ohh and a small late addition my US modded SNES wireless controllers, remote controll, internal fan = this is very cool!


Filed under Gaming, Katie K's Cave Finds, Random

Turtles in the cave!

I have had these guys for years! and I just can’t part with them

The date says 1989 mirage studios playmates toys, so I have probably had them since around that time I once lost Michelangelo in Spain well I say lost he was most deffo stolen by a horrible smelly boy! anyway upon my return from spain Michelangelo was replaced 🙂

I also had the comic, board game, socks, baseball boots, costumes and I have a Turtles fan club card somewhere.

Lets pay some homage to the theme tune from the Turtles movie

Partners in Kryme – Turtle power (still a tune!!!!!)


Some memorable Turtleisms

Tonight I dine on turtle soup.
-The Shredder / Baxter
We turtles don’t know the meaning of the word ‘defeat’.
You’d better or else I’m gonna get sarcastic.
And what’s worse, they encourage people to have fun!
(Sees clones of Michaelangelo) This is just like a shooting gallery. I wish that I could count so I could keep score!
Leonardo: Listen, Raph, about what I said before. You know, about not needing you and all.
Raphael: Leo, don’t.
Leonardo: Boy we missed you.
[They hug]
Donatello: It’s a Kodak moment.
[Donatello finds a three-day-old pizza]
Question: Do you like penicillin on your pizza?


April: So, what do you guys like on your pizza?
Michaelangelo: Oh, just the regular stuff: flies, stink bugs… It was a joke.


Dumb, dumb, dumb. Those dudes are so dumb.
What up?!
Do the words GO SUCK AN EGG hold any meaning fo ya?
(in a 4v2 fight )”turtles fight with honor”
Now look watcha did! You gave me a boo-boo! Aaaaaahhh!
-Burne Thompson
This city is no place for this gator. I’m going back to my swamp!
-Casey Jones
Pizza dudes got thirty seconds.
“Wise men say forgiveness is devine, but never pay full price for late pizza.”
Michael Angelo:Cowabunga!
-Michael Angelo
Hey, sounds like a good title for a horror movie!
They’ve escaped… But Shedder won’t; HE’S the one who’s responsible for what happened to me!
-Baxter Stockman
Shredder:”Call me, the Shredder!” Raphael:”A kitchen utencil?”
-Shredder & Raphael
Karng I need you!
Hurt him on his brithday.
Mikey:”Uhhh I left my wallet in my other shell?” April:”Michaelangelo!” Mikey:”Hey it was worth a try.
-April & Michaelangelo
Saki…get back here!!!”
Karng:I’ll remember this Shedder!
Shredder: They call me…The Shredder.
Raphael: A kitchen untencil?
Shredder: You would be wise to lose your flippant ways if you wish to join the honourable foot clan!
Leonardo: And why would we wanna do that?
Shredder: Because it was I that made you what you are today. Don’t deny your destiny…join me…
Raphael: Does the phrase ‘go suck a lemon’ hold any meaning for ya?
Mega move Donatello – Michaelangelo
Avast ye swab, and prepare to meet me trusty blades! – Raphael
(Michelangelo:) Yep, it’s finally happened. The dude has flipped his shell. (Raphael:) It’s time for the ol’ rubber aquarium. – Michelangelo and Raphael
I’m warning you Can Face, I’ve got a blackbelt in black eyes! – Michelangelo
I feel a flashback coming on… *bliiing!* See, yep. I told ya! – Raphael
(Rocksteady:) Shiver me timbers! (Bebop:) And while you’re at it, shiver mine also! – Bebop and Rocksteady
Oh no. Carter got in touch with his inner mutant again. – Raphael
Krang: Shredder! You’re using up what little we have (croaky voice)left!
Rocksteady: It’s Frankula!
Bebop: No…it’s Drakenstien!
Shredder: It’s me you idiots!
“I loOove being a turtle!”
Mikey: Don’t have a cow, man.
Raph: Wrong show.
Shredder:Stop it you fools! You’ll damage the module!
Rocksteady:Well he started it!
Bebhop:I did not, he did!
Shredder: “Tonight i dine on turtle soup.”
Leatherhead: “I guar-on-teee.”
Leonardo: “I’ve got a plan: when I say ‘duck’-”
Michelangelo: “We quack?!”
April: Shake hands with papa Leonardo, uncle Donatello, cousin Raphael, and auntie Michelangelo.
Alfredo: Our bombino will be green??? arividerci!!!
Usagi Yojimbo: TURTLE guards, Eh? The Shogun’s cowardly son, Lord Bisent must’ve sent you!
Raphael: Mellow out, BUGS!
Raphael: You mean you’re actually gonna trust this thing?
Leonardo: Why not?
Raphael: Well, for one thing, the guy who invented it is currently swinging around the city in his underwear.
“We’re not delivering a baby, dimbo!”
“We’re not delivering a baby, dimbo!”
Michelangelo: “Wow, weird looking dudes.”
Raphael: “Yeah, they dress funny too!”
April: “I don’t know who you are, but thanks. *turtles come out into the light* You’re not human!”
Raphael: “Bingo. Yeah, we’re dealing with a real mind here.”
April: “You’re, you’re turtles!
Leonardo: “Yep, so we are.”
April: “I can’t handle this.” *faints*
Michelangelo: “Oh she’s no fun, she fainted.”

~The Turtles and April O’Neil in ‘Turtle Tracks’

Donatello: “What kind of idiot puts his name on a death machine?”
Raphael: “An idiot with an ego problem.”
Hold it right there, even machines must obey the law. Face stern justice appliances! -Casey Jones




Remember if Turtles don’t have eyeballs they are just a cheap modern imitation!!!

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